Thursday, December 20, 2007

Where does the time go???

I wondered when I started this blog how often I would be able to update it! I will try to get better as time goes by. I couldn't believe when I saw my last post was the 8th!!! We've been so busy getting ready for the holidays!! I got all my wrapping done yesterday and I think we are ready for Christmas!!!

Today Max and I went to church for my Bible Study. We had a brunch and time of fellowship with another women's Bible Study. Max was a hit!! All the ladies loved him!! Then we went to Easton and finished up Christmas shopping for Daddy!! We had a big day together. He is napping now, although it sounds like my quiet time may be over soon!!

Jason and I have had 3 days off together this week and we've had such a good time spending time with Bubby. Here are some fun pics from earlier this week!!

Max & Daddy

Mommy & Max

Last week we went to see Santa at the Polaris Mall. Max really didn't care much about it, but Jason and I enjoyed it! (If you go during the week in the daytime there is NO LINE!!). It was totally worth it!! Enjoy this little pic of Max and Santa!

I am amazed at how much Parenthood has changed us. It is so hard to put into words and I had no idea how it would affect me!! Each day bring us new blessings and excitedment!! Max is changing so much! I just have to share some more pictures so you can see him!!!

Look at this smile!!!
He is always so bright eyed!!Getting used to the Bumbo!!

Well, thanks for looking!! I'll update more soon I promise!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Today was great!!! (other than the fact that Jason was working and I had to get ready to go to work myself). Bubby has been feeling kind of crappy over the last week since his shots monday...well this morning (after sleeping like a champ last night) he was in the BEST MOOD!! He was acting like his old self!! I even caught him smiling!! It brought tears to my eyes it was so awesome!!! I was so excited to catch some of them on film...I took a couple on my cell phone to text to Jason at work!!! He was just so darn happy!!!
This one below might be my favorite Max pic yet!!!
I think the bib says it all!!! He is gonna be a heart breaker!!!
Enjoy these pics...we'll post more soon!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Max is napping

Max is asleep in the bouncer at my feet. My foot is getting tired making it bounce even more to keep him happy!!! He is still Mr. Fussypants from his shots so I'll do whatever I can to keep him happy!!

We've gotten quite a bit of snow. It started sometime between 11pm and 3am (when we got up to feed Max) and it is still coming down. I snuck out and took a quick pictures. It's so pretty, but it can stop anytime!! I picked out just a couple pictures to share today. This is Max in his Jeep Carrier. Jason was reluctant to try it out, but realized how valuable a tool it was when I had to go back to work. I love this thing. I wore it at Polaris Mall a few weeks's great. Jason now likes it as well. Bubby is pretty fond of it too!!!
Bath time!!! This is from Saturday when Grandma Karen helped Jason with Max's bath. Max really does enjoy the bath (so we think) least he doesn't scream the whole time.
Ok, I should really get something done...aren't you supposed to sleep when the baby is sleeping...maybe I'll nap too!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Two Months Old!!!

So here it is...the famous chair picture!! (at some point I'll post all of the previous ones!!!).

Here is what Bubby really thought about getting his shots!!!

We all survived my first weekend back at work! Jason did great with Max over the weekend...and of course he slept so much more at night then he did when I was home by myself with him!!! We had his 2 month appointment today and Max is up to 10 lbs 8 oz! (he has nearly doubled his birthweight!! He's our little PorkChop!!!! Then he got his shots=(. He took them like a trooper!!! He and daddy have been chilling in the recliner all day long (how Jason would love to spend every day!!!). I got caught up a bit on sleep and we headed to Grandma Kay's for dinner. So Max has had quite a day!!!

Jason goes back to work tomorrow so I need to get some stuff together before it's time to go to bed!!!

Thanks for checking in on us!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's been a few days

Well, we've been really busy!!! I went back to work last night (friday) and I'm back tonight and tomorrow night=(. Today Jason's parents and grandma came up and we met them and my mom for breakfast! Then Bubby got a bath from grandma (he thinks she gives good head massages!!!) and we took some family pics for the christmas cards (I'll get those posted sometime)!! The picture above is Max and his Great Grandma Nancy (Jason's grandma). He was so bright eyed and aware-it was very hard for me to go to bed...I didn't want to miss anything!

Right now we're getting ready to head out for dinner before Jason drops me off at work. We decided to try out a new toy...the Bumbo! Now before you tell me...I know there was a recall on these...evidently you must have common sense in order to use this product!! We promise to not leave him unattended or in high places. Although, for a laugh, take a look at this:

They put their child in "dangerous" contained positions in her bumbo in response to the "recall". Anyway-I thought it was cute.
Max tolerated his Bumbo for about 5 minutes...then he was done.

Ok, I'm out. We're off to Chipolte...then I'm going to work.
All About Max