Friday, February 8, 2008


Well-Max had his 4 month appointment yesterday is growing like a little weed!!! He's 14 lbs 14.4 oz and 24.5 inches long!!! Doc says he is doing great and growing like a champ!! We'll be starting rice cereal next week and veggies next month!! Mommy's baby is growing up too fast!! He had to get 5 immunizations and didn't like that at all!!! It was a long afternoon of screaming and crying and fighting sleep!!! He finally took a decent nap and woke up like a new man!!! This morning he is just fine!! (there is just a little window of icky time that just stinks!). Poor little fella-we couldn't do anything to make him feel better-Jason and I were so sad about it!!!

Mommy and Daddy are both working all weekend so Max will hang out with Grandma E all weekend. Thank goodness she's coming to stay!! Jason and I won't be home at the same time again until he gets off work monday night!! It'll be a long 4 days!!! But it'll be worth it-we have 3 days off together next week to make up for it!!!

Have a great weekend and stay warm!! It's gonna be cold out there!!

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