Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No baby yet.....

Max is still waiting for his little brother or sister to show up!! (not that he has any idea what's going on, but Mommy and Daddy are not so patiently waiting!!).

Mommy wrote a pregnancy update here.

In Max's news- he's been out of sorts a bit. Traveling back and forth a bit to Granny's just in case the little one shows up. He had a fever last week and we took him to the pedi just in case the ear infections were back. He had fluid at that point but no pus. He gave us a script in case the fevers spiked this week or he didn't get better. His temp spiked yesterday morning so we decided to get the script filled. Can't handle a sick toddler when a new baby will be home.

Please be praying for our family!! We'd appreciate it!! We'll update as we can!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

But I don't want a little brother or sister!!!!

He has no idea how his world is gonna change!!!

Baby could be here anytime!!! Keep us in your prayers!!! I'll post pictures and info as soon as we know it!!! And we'll of course unveil a new look for the blog!!!

Picture updates....

Just in case you haven't gotten enough of the cheese......

Mr. Serious...where does he get that from?

He sure is daddy's boy!!!!
All About Max